a new voice for young people in Nigeria
Like most countries world-wide Nigeria has a very low turn-out at General elections, will below a quarter of the registered voters bother to vote. Candidates also reflect the mainstream older educated population. Amongst the under 25’s in Nigeria there was less than 4% who had registered to participate in the next round of elections due to be held in 2023.
The Go Nigeria initiative was formed in early 2022 by the ANAP Foundation, a philanthropic, not-for-profit, non-party movement dedicated to building a new voice for the young people of Nigeria.
The website launched in March 2022 invited Nigerian youth nation-wide to sign up to vote using an intense programme of poetry, rap, music and comedy events nationwide with financial awards, to attract their vast audiences. By the election dates and in just under a year over a third of the Nigerian Voters were youths who are gearing up to vote in February 25 election.
Frustrated by high unemployment and increasing violence, many young Nigerians are now flocking to younger political candidates outside the political mainstream and the next election will reflect their influence.
In under a month Creative Interpartners had branded Go Nigeria, created the essentials for the programme, including a fully functional website, campaign material to support the vast list of events planned and support material to sign-up ambassadors, volunteers and champions.
Their contribution to Register to Vote and their TICK device caught their audiences’ imagination and they are currently gearing up to change the whole face of elections in Nigeria in 2025.