The World famous cookie

When this much loved and distinctive Cookie brand had tried to expand overseas, they could not persuade the likely malls in Japan, South Korea or the UAE to review their product despite the products being a favourite with the tourists from these areas. CI was invited to help in the expansion programme.
It seemed obvious that customer perceptions of this delicious confectionary was the starting point. Who doesn’t love a just-baked warm biscuit. The smell of the baking and the story-like scenario behind the grandson, Ben was represented in a new pitch deck.
The enticing pack contained of course, a scratch and sniff labels that evoked fresh baking and box of Cookies and Gift two books. Within the company profile book was the simple franchised interior aesthetically conveyed through the minimum of lighting and counters required for the small take-away unit. Plus Fun- illustration album as the Adventures of Ben. All wrapped within the distinctive bright red cookie bag, with tempting sniff stickers and giveaways.
It was first tested in Japan and was so successful an area franchise had to be devised to avoid conflict. The pack is being carried forward to their other new market places in the Middle East China and even Russia.
We wish there had been more we could add because they sent a pack of biscuits to the studio every Friday during the project.